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Hummingbird perched on red glass Hummingbird feeder

Can you move a Hummingbird feeder

Certainly it can be risky moving a Hummingbird feeder that is seeing a lot of success with Hummingbirds, but to do it too fast and to far, will put an end to all this.

You can move a Hummingbird feeder to a new location but it must be gone so gradually. Current location must be given time to attract Hummingbirds while a continuous move can only delay or hinder your efforts to get Hummers to use your feeder. Allow several weeks to pass before situating elsewhere.

While its perfectly within reason to re-position an Hummingbird feeder from its current location to a new placement, bear in mind you must do it gradually.

Hummingbirds come to remember where your Hummingbird feeders are, thus to change feeder location out of the blue could literally appear the disappeared feeders are gone for good.

Move a Hummingbird feeder only after several week only, while continuing to find a new location every day or few days, then Hummers will simply stay away.

Why that is because Hummingbirds will find it harder to notice a new location that could be more discreet than the previous placement.

Reasons why you'd want to move a Hummingbird feeder could be to position it out of severe weather conditions, out of direct sunshine, to avoid common backyard pests or a pet cat or dog - all of which won't be known to you until your Hummingbird feeder has been given plenty of time to settle in its current location.

Bugs could be an issue too where you'd need to re-position the Hummingbird feeder in a site that avoids ants - whereas you'd need the new location to utilize an ant moat guard.

Hummingbird feeders are a lot of fun to utilize but you must give it plenty of time from where its currently hung, until its found.

Do suspend Hummingbird feeders in a well lit up area off a pole or bracket of any kind, while you mustn't hang Hummingbird feeders where there's a threat of injury. Finding a new location can force an unsafe place to hang Hummingbird feeders.

Be mindful of current success on a Hummingbird feeder could still dwindle on a different location - even if you do it at a pace Hummers shouldn't notice the difference.

Move in close proximity only

Understandably you'd want to unhook to relocate your Hummingbird feeder once in a while, and to do it too soon and to frequently, will have dire consequences.

Instead, its important to only move Hummingbird feeders in close proximity to the last location, in order to keep it visible in what is a reliable location for Hummingbirds.

Where you decide to relocate a Hummingbird feeder can be from a bird feeder pole to perhaps to suspend the Hummingbird feeder on the soffit or off a wall bracket. Now, bear in mind a soffit it a higher up location while a wall bracket could still match the pole.

Rather than be concerned just about relocating a feeder to a new site somewhere on the lawn, remember a higher up hanging site can seem like feeders have gone missing.

Hummingbirds will come to find it in due course, but to keep finding a new location if moving feeders too often, and too soon, can only lead to no use at all.

Move Hummingbird feeders within several feet of each other as often as you like, although when shifting feeders beyond its original location... then allow time for Hummingbirds to discover feeders new placement once again.

Allow weeks to pass before moving

OK so you can move a Hummingbird feeder anywhere on the lawn but when situating it higher up or on the opposite side of the yard - in a way its obstructed from its old location - then allow days again before Hummingbirds arrive.

Arrive they still will but it can be like attracting Hummingbirds to feeders all over again, as the new location is like starting all from scratch.

Allow weeks to pass before moving Hummingbird feeders because its only then you'd get a better understanding of if the current location is attractive to Hummers.

Where the best place to hang a Hummingbird feeder is, is on a bird feeding station; this location will often be the most suitable from the get go. Why that is because its natural to hang any bird feeders in the middle of the lawn, in direct sunshine on a pole.

With that in mind you can't just put Hummingbird feeders anywhere else that doesn't match the original location.

Situating Hummingbird feeders on a pole above a lawn location is where feeders go.

So allow several weeks to pass on this highly desirable location before attempting Hummingbirds to feeders situated elsewhere.

When a refer to several weeks of waiting, that is in reference when people keep uprooting a feeder location, in an effort to attract Hummers for the first time.

NO Hummingbirds, find a NEW location

Remember its vitally important to give the current Hummingbird feeder location plenty of time for Hummers to find it.

Just because Hummers haven't turned up thus far that isn't to say the location is no good.

Allow several weeks to pass and if no Hummingbirds show up in this time, its certainly within reason to move a Hummingbird feeder to potentially a more visible location to hang your feeder, or multiple feeders.

No Hummingbirds thus far, then absolutely think about suspending the feeder in what you believe to be a better placement.

When suspending Hummingbird feeders in a different location, never allow Hummingbirds to feed near other birds - as it will never happen - as feeding Hummingbirds demand isolation from other species.

Move your feeders but keep it well clear from other bird feeders in your effort to attract Hummingbirds.

Rather than relying on just the one Hummingbird feeder - and instead of keeping moving feeders around - there's certainly no harm in hanging multiple Hummingbird feeders in close proximity - or spread feeders out to guarantee at least one feeder is found.

Feeder essentially disappeared

What you must remember when an Hummingbird feeder disappears from its current location, its like its gone all together.

Hummingbirds won't stick around to find the new location thus it will only be found days or potentially weeks later if you only receive few Hummingbirds currently.

To an Hummingbird, the feeder can only be situated a few feet over for them to continue to use the feeder as normal. When the Hummingbird feeder is suspended higher up, then that is still a difficult to find placement.

Hummingbird feeders are red in color so they are easily spotted, and with that they must still be strung up in the sun with a wide clearing.

Unfortunately, situating the feeders in an out of view location will result in the red Hummingbird feeders potentially not being used again for a long time.

I know there's genuine reasons to relocate a Hummingbird feeder but don't do it where the new placement is worse than the original.

Anyway, if you do relocate a Hummingbird feeder far beyond where you originally hung it, then if you are willing to wait until their return - or at least hope Hummingbirds return - as normal, then suspend the Hummingbird feeder where you please.


I know it can be tempting to keep moving Hummingbird feeders because you appear to not be attracting Hummingbirds to it, but that temptation must be fought.

Hummingbirds need weeks or a month until they find your particular Hummingbird feeder, and when they do your patience will worth it.

Absolutely you can move a Hummingbird feeder, but it must be rare - like once or twice a month - if you feel there's benefits to the relocation ever so often.

With success at a current Hummingbird feeder location to replicate this in a new placement days later can vary - with Hummingbird numbers staying level or potentially seeing a dramatic decrease.

Hummers will come to a feeder that is situated in a well lit up area that is in direct sun.

As you've probably researched this location to hang your Hummingbird feeder when first starting out - remember a new location and many others beyond that - could be far worse than the original placement you sourced out from the beginning.

Never keep moving a Hummingbird feeder from day to day, week to week in hope a new location will simply attract Hummingbirds.

Keep the Hummingbird feeder in its original placement for as long as you can, with months passed before changing places.

Hummers may be noticing your feeder but they just don't happen to be coming to it.

Hummingbird feeders unhooked and relocated will feel like the feeder is gone for good, as its disappeared from what was a reliable place to put it.

Allow several weeks until you relocate the Hummingbird feeder, and never relocate Hummingbird feeders every day or few days.

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