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Backyard Birding Advice

When setting up backyard birding equipment in your yard, I hope to offer you advice on where to place a bird house, a bird bath or what bird feeders to use.

Published 8th January 2023

Do Hummingbirds like window feeders

Window Hummingbird feeders will only be liked by Hummers if they can come to rely upon it daily, because it is easy to access nectar after all.

Published 8th January 2023

Do Hummingbirds like saucer feeders

Hummingbirds like a visible and accessible nectar-filled feeder, which a saucer-type feeder is, with perches a plus and plenty of port wells to prevent a squabble.

Published 8th January 2023

Are Hummingbird feeders a good idea

Without a Hummingbird feeder, Hummers will be unable to sip on the nectar you want to provide them, unless you go through the trouble of planting wild flowers.

Published 8th January 2023

Do birds like bright colored bird feeders

Colorful bird feeders can help get wild birds attention as a brightly colored bird feeder can stand out in any landscape, any time of the year.

Published 1st January 2023

Where do you hang a bird seed feeder

Seed bird feeders don't need any special treatment, and can be treated as such like any bird feeder that would ideally be hung together on a pole.

Published 1st January 2023

Does bird feeder color matter

While you can help bird feeders stand out in a dark yard when picking a more vibrant color theme, wild birds do well on their own to find bird feeders.

Published 30th December 2022

Should bird baths be off the ground

Ground bird baths can sit directly on the ground or located on elevated surfaces; with predators or pests that frequent your yard, avoid ground location.

Published 21st December 2022

Which birds use hanging feeders

Most common backyard birds can use a suspended bird feeder; only fewer birds aren't agile enough to use compact feeders, thus the list gets shorter.

Published 18th December 2022

How to prepare bird feeder

Preparing a bird feeder isn't all that difficult but you must make an effort to prevent bird feed spilling as its replenished, where the feeder stands upright to fill.

Published 18th December 2022

Does it matter where you hang a bird feeder

You will want to follow a handful of rules on where to hang a bird feeder, as you end up wasting time and effort as wild birds are nowhere to be seen.