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Backyard Birding Pests

Attracting wild birds to your yard does come at a price, with unwanted pests, pets and predators arriving, like: insects, bears, rodents, and even nuisance birds.

Published 1st November 2022

How to keep Squirrels off Shepherd's Hook

Never easy to squirrel proof a complex Shepherd's hook as the style allows for squirrels to pass through a different route, rather than being blocked by a baffle.

Published 24th October 2022

How to keep Squirrels off bird feeder in tree

Unlike a too close to the ground bird feeder pole providing easy access, you can utilize a baffle or wire better to keep squirrels off feeders suspended in a tree.

Published 21st October 2022

Best way to keep Squirrels off bird feeders

Rely upon hanging bird feeders only as its the only way possible to hang any feeder below a squirrel baffle dome to stop descending squirrels.

Published 8th October 2022

How to stop squirrels from climbing bird feeder pole

Squirrel baffles are a squirrels worst nightmare, as this simple disc is an effective way of stopping squirrels reaching the top of bird feeder pole.

Published 1st October 2022

How to keep Squirrels out of bird feeder with Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper can be smudge into any bird feed accessible on feeders; smear cayenne at the port well holes or mix cayenne onto exposed bird feed.

Published 3rd July 2022

How to keep Squirrels off bird feeders

Squirrels can be kept off bird feeders by installing one of two kinds of baffles; failing that rely on a high position from a wall bracket or roof overhang.

Published 26th June 2022

How to keep Squirrels out of window feeder

Is there any bird feeder where a squirrel won't show up to? Well, now you have to figure out a way to keep squirrels off a much easier to deter window feeder.

Published 25th June 2022

How to keep Chipmunks off bird feeder pole

Chipmunks will require little effort to keep them off your pole, with a baffle to stop them running up which is in spite of their limited climbing ability.

Published 23rd June 2022

How to keep Blue Jays out of feeders

I won't make any promises as determined Blue Jays are perfectly capable of using any type of feeder, thus it won't be easy to keep them away.

Published 21st June 2022

How to keep Starlings off bird feeders

It is possible to reduce Starling numbers at feeders as this persistent yet fully capable bird feeder bird can access feeders in many ways.