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House Finch perched on metal bar belonging to decorative red seed bird feeder

Do birds like red bird feeders

Regular birds can be attracted to all sorts of colors, but if its a source of food then the most bland bird feeders in use can see much success.

Birds do like red bird feeders, but then can be drawn to those in yellow or blue. If said bird feeders include feed as part of their diet, then birds will come to it regardless. What bird species are attracted to red in particular are Hummingbirds, with their feeders commonly made in red, with yellow port wells.

Birds in nature can associate yellow sunflowers as a source of sunflower seeds, whereas Hummingbirds will associate red bird feeders with their red nectar flowers in the wild.

Red is a strong indicator to Hummingbirds that this feeder hanging up on a pole, is indeed a source of homemade nectar, in which can be true for Orioles.

Such actions are not common with other species, other than Hummers or Orioles. Birds come to bird feeders in the yard, because birds can find the bird food within feeders as a matter of habit, then remember location of feeders thereafter.

Chickadees and other birds that use a Hummingbird feeder will just know they like the sweet sugary water - with the color of the feeder having no input.

Birds do like red bird feeders I will say that for sure, with any bright color really drawing the birds eye to a feeder.

And in the case of Hummingbird feeders, the red can attract bees through sight alone.

Don't believe red is going to be the deciding factor with attracting birds to a bird feeder, it will work on Hummingbirds but less so on regular birds that frequent your yard,.

RED feeders appealing to birds

Birds who frequent our yards do so to forage on the ground or in need of a water source, non of which have to be red, let alone other bright colors.

But make no mistake, a red bird feeder can attract all kinds of wild birds.

Whilst more related to attracting Hummingbirds to a red bird feeder, regular birds such as Northern Cardinals or House Finches would view a red feeder as a positive thing.

Birds frequent colorful vegetation in the wild to forage on the ground, or higher up on a elevated point, thus they associate colors as a source of food.

I will say the color red in particular is not the deciding factor, as any color bird feeder can be an interesting food source.

And as much used wild bird food isn't really colorful, any color will be in the plastic bird feeder, or occasionally a spruced up metal bird feeder.

Color NOT deciding factor

Color of a bird feeder that is finished in a shade of red is not a guarantee wild birds will come to it.

In fact most birds can be attracted to quite a bland color bird feeder, with only it being continuously replenished with feed, to see more success.

Red color bird feeder to attract birds that eat suet, seeds or peanuts is not a common color bird feeders are molded in, or indeed painted in - so for a bird to notice such a unique color, can bring interesting results.

But again, don't believe a red bird feeder alone can attract other types of birds too it, and not just Hummingbirds who in particular, are known to be attracted to the color red.

As the color of regular bird feeders won't be the deciding factor then, don't come to rely on this method as a way to attract birds to a new bird feeder setup.

What you can do instead is rely on nature to attract all types of bird species, by locating bird feeders near to colorful, hopefully insect-attracting flowers which in turn, will bring birds to it.

Hummingbirds attracted to red

Regular bird feeders intended for nuts, seeds or suet balls or cakes are rarely seen to be other than green if made in plastic, or perhaps copper if made in metal.

Hummingbird feeders, as you may of realized by now, are mostly red because research, and of course real world proof as shown Hummers to be attracted to red.

Hummers feed off nectar plants in the wild that are red, including purple or yellow, and even blue plants that supply nectar; thus Hummers associate a red feeder being the source of their much needed sugar water.

Hummingbirds really do like their own type of feeders to be in red, as its familiar.

Because Hummingbird feeders tend to always be made in red or other bright colors, with contrasting yellow well ports - don't believe this theme can be suited to regular backyard birds.

Hummingbirds are attracted to red but regular birds have come to rely on the most bland bird feeder setup, particularly because birds - such as House Finches or Sparrows - have come to remember where bird feeders are in your yard.

Can red attract predators

Well, if you didn't know it, bright colors can catch the eye of predators to an object intended to be used by birds.

Bird houses must be painted or left unfinished as to discourage pests that can be drawn to a spruced up brightly painted bird house, when it should be left alone.

Same can apply for bird feeders, any feeder finished in red can attract cats or other predators to it, whilst making it very difficult for birds to feed.

Bird feeders commercially available in plastic tend to be in green on in a dark brown or black - whereas a wooden bird feeder would be in a shade of brown to blend in with the landscape, or left unpainted.

What this explicitly tells us is even manufacturer's know a bird feeder should blend in with its surroundings, in fear of attracting unwanted attention.

So you see, a red bird feeder can be too bright for any landscape, thus can attract pests while appearing out of place in a lovely yard.

To summarize

Birds do like bird feeders in red, but a red feeder for use in peanuts, suet or seeds is quite unusual I must admit, but they certainly are available.

Birds are drawn to colorful plants to feed or forage beneath them, while then associating red, or any bright color really - being a source of food.

Most common backyard birds can be attracted to any bird feeder, be it a bland one or a wooden bird feeder allowed to weather. If there's a source of wild bird food made available to them, they are sure to show up in time.

And whilst regular birds can be seen to feed off red bird feeders, as rare as they are - Hummingbirds in particular are a bird species attracted to red only.

Hummingbird feeders are made in red because red nectar flowers in the wild are what Hummers usually feed off.

Hummers will then come to a red bird feeder especially made for their needs, in which would hold nectar only, and not any other food.

Birds do like red bird feeders, but for any species that don't feed off nectar, a yellow, blue or orange feeder can see just as much success.

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