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Non native US backyard bird at rim of peanut butter glass jar

Do wild birds like peanut butter

Nothing to write home about in terms of what bird species likes peanut butter the most, but in truth there are few and far between who do eat peanut butter in jars.

Birds do like peanut butter for sure, with those that do who tend to eat nuts in the wild, so mostly Woodpeckers then. Other keen peanut butter takers are Nuthatches or the Orange Crowned Warbler. Chickadees like peanut butter and will eat out of the jar, but this nutty treat can attract less wanted Starlings.

Offering wild birds peanut butter has its benefits in goodness, being high in protein so well worth your time and effort in trying.

To offer wild birds peanut butter, there are few birds who will eat it and those that do, absolutely love peanut butter, not just like it.

Of those it would be a number of Woodpeckers seen most to eat peanut butter, while spooning this nutty spread on tree bark is more welcomed by Woodpeckers.

In your mind you may feel it only takes opening a jar of peanut butter for birds to help themselves, and while possible it may not be so easy.

Black-capped Chickadees like peanut butter so are a species that can eat it this way.

However, you'll see better results by offering an opened peanut butter jar on its side with a specialty peanut butter jar feeder used - used for anything else, to keep things clean.

If you don't have a tree occupied by Woodpeckers then cater to Chickadees or even Blue Jays who can only eat peanut butter on its side, where its easy to access.

Birds DO like peanut butter

Absolutely do wild birds like peanut butter, and while the bird species in question are not in big numbers, you are sure to get an inkling of interest from a few surprising visitors.

Peanut butter is high in protein which is actually what peanut eating birds in the wild need in their diet.

So its any wonder you'll be sure to attract a number of backyard birds willing to eat out of the peanut butter jar, or better still spread it on the bark of a tree trunk or branch.

It could be the more dearer specialty wild bird peanut butter if you wish too, but don't worry as wild birds can eat the peanut butter made for people.

Birds do like peanut butter and are sure to eat it daily, but you are in charge of what kind they eat so it must never contain salt, or high amounts of it. Nor should it be a special blend with chocolate or other poisonous to birds' ingredients.

Peanut butter loving birds are few and far between, so its vital to know you do receive visitors in your backyard by the upcoming bird species mentioned.

Peanut butter liked most

As proven by photographic evidence, you can guarantee its largely woodpeckers belonging to Hairy, Red-Headed and the Downy who like peanut butter the most.

Other Woodpeckers not mentioned can also take to eating peanut butter for one important reason - Woodpeckers eat nuts out in the wild.

How you feed peanut butter to Woodpeckers is important but I'll get into that in a minute.

Other peanut butter loving bird species are Nuthatches, or more specifically that of the White-Breasted Nuthatch.

Sooner are the peanut butter is located in your backyard would one of Woodpeckers or Nuthatches will soon turn up to investigate.

Warblers who like peanut butter offered to them is only the Orange Crowned Warbler I'm afraid - but as a widespread bird species, they can apply to your garden range.

Understand Woodpeckers are the biggest takers of peanut butter offered to them, but let's take a look on occasions other species can enjoy this nutty treat.

Other backyard bird takers

Other more common backyard birds likely to eat on the peanut butter is that of the Chickadees, or more precisely the Black-Capped Chickadee.

And while the species is not traditionally a nut eating bird in the wild, the spread can be and will be eating by them.

Blue Jays are big peanut eaters, while preferring to eat whole peanuts in their shell - so of course Blue Jays will eat your peanut butter if presented to them in an accessible way - for example on the ground or on a large platform feeder.

That advice could also apply to Steller's Jay who share a similar diet. But while feeders for peanut butter are safe to use, it can be a nuisance for larger birds who cannot access it, thus hurting themselves while trying.

Despite our needs to feed more friendly, more pleasant wild birds in our yards to eat on peanut butter, this can attract unwanted attention.

Attention that could lead to scaring off Nuthatches or Chickadees while inviting more aggressive Starlings.

Other than those birds mentioned, it could be possible for more species to take to eating peanut butter - but you must do one more thing to cater to each and every species willing to give it a try.

Peanut butter in their habitat

Rather than assume any bird species will come to your peanut butter bird feeder to nibble on this sweat treat, not all birds are capable of doing so.

While Chickadees would happily cling onto the rim of a peanut butter jar to feed on its content - as you would expect and imagined birds to do so - that is not a normal feeding behavior for many birds mentioned who like peanut butter.

You must then bring the peanut butter spread to them, and how you would do that is within their natural environment.

All that means is rather than mount a peanut butter jar to a special feeder, simply spreading peanut butter onto the bark of a tree can attract all Woodpeckers to it.

Likewise, it may be possible for you to fill the crevices of pinecones in trees or on the ground for birds to feed off.

Similarly, a peanut butter pinecone bird feeder can be used to prevent the need to spread food around your yard, thus attracting bugs among other creatures.

Larger birds such as Blue Jays are traditionally ground feeders, so pinecones on the ground would be suited to them.

But so to will spreading peanut butter into a their own dish for Blue Jays to eat out off, preferably placed on a surface - but up in a hanging feeding platform would be good also.

To summarize

Rest assured wild birds do like peanut butter, not so much many species but those that do are widespread across the US.

Most common takers of peanut butter are many of the Woodpecker family; preferring to eat peanut butter spread on the bark of a tree trunk as a more safe environment while they feed in peace.

It is possible to use a specialty peanut butter feeder for Chickadees who like peanut butter - but its not so common to see unless you receive many Chickadees in your yard.

Popular with Nuthatches also but so to is peanut butter liked by the Orange Crowned Warbler.

Other backyard birds happy to feed on peanut butter are Blue Jays, as they are big peanut eaters in the wild - but so to can Starlings be attracted to it.

While few bird species like peanut butter, it doesn't really matter if you use the specialty wild bird or people peanut butter - providing it doesn't contain salt or other poisonous ingredients.

Bring peanut butter into their environment by spooning peanut butter on tree bark or branches, while placing the peanut butter feeder deeper into a tree as to see it successfully used.

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