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Covered wooden platform bird feeder hung off tree branch

How high should bird feeders be hung

It can depend on your personal circumstances because a yard without nuisance pests can get away with 4 feet high, whereas bird feeders must be hung higher to avoid pests.

How high should bird feeders be hung is 4 feet at the bare minimum. Go 2 feet higher to keep common backyard pests out of reach like squirrels. All while the extra height can allow you to utilize an ant moat or squirrel baffle strung above. Rely on a bird feeder pole default height but use objects in yard to hang higher.

What is more important then ever than how high to hang bird feeders within your yard, is actually where you place bird feeders which is out in the open, visible to passing birds, yet remains unobstructed.

If bird feeders can't be seen then your common backyard birds simply won't use it.

Height of bird feeders off the ground does play some importance, as an higher up placement can feel safer to birds.

Whereas a too high location for feeders to be hung can go a miss by birds who are foraging for bird food lower down.

How high you will hang bird feeders can rely on a bird feeding station at 4 feet; whereas bird feeders can be hung at any height if hanging in a tree - but as always the bird feeders must be made visible to birds.

Birds commonly forage lower down at 4 to 8 feet in shrubs whilst the same birds can be found foraging higher up in a tree - where bird feeders must be hung if you can

Its not so important though because birds come to rely on your bird feeders, thus the height off the ground isn't going to deter or attract birds any more.

Look to your own personal circumstances as a way to know how high should your bird feeders be hung.

If no pests are about, well then you can hang bird feeders only a foot high if you like or indeed hummingbird feeders especially can be put on table.

As most of you have an adjacent fence between yours and the neighbors yard, a bird feeder can be hung on a low fence post if cats can be kept well away.

In the end you'll probably want to hang bird feeders quite the way up in order to keep pests or pets off - whilst people or passing public won't disturb feeding birds every time.

Hang up to 4 feet

As a matter of fact, when utilizing a bird feeder pole like that of a bird feeding station or Shepard's Hook, you'd find they have a 4 feet minimum height.

With that, its safe to say bird feeders can be hung at 4 feet minimum off the ground.

Bird feeders will be hung approximately 4 feet because its a height that will meet you at chest height; thus its made easier for you to replenish bird food or indeed when it comes time to pull down bird feeders to clean.

What can come of a 4 feet minimum height are issues involving pets or pests, so the recommended 4 feet height off the ground - would benefit with an additional foot or two higher up if you can.

Utilize a low down hanging bird feeder placement when you can guarantee a no pet or pest problem.

Otherwise you'd have to rely on a high object or a mounted bracket to give you that extra height.

How high should bird feeders by hung is 4 feet minimum, because it corresponds to how high wild birds forage lower down in shrubs - or where they normally feed higher up in trees.

Low branch must meet minimum

When considering making use of a tree branch to hang bird feeders on, including similar natural growth in your yard, you must still meet the minimum height off the ground.

Its easy to forget birds can peacefully feed on a bird feeder hung only 4 feet up, unbeknownst danger could linger close by.

If you utilize a low down placement for feeders in your yard, only can you do so safely if your property is free of pests and predators. Without such nuisance animals you can hang, sit or mount a bird feeder wherever you like.

Where your yard is frequently occupied by pests such as bears, squirrels or raccoons, or predators like snakes - then to hang bird feeders within a tree location wouldn't give you the protection feeders require.

All pests and predators are fully capable of climbing up trees to only then descend down on bird feeders, and that's despite bird feeders hung quite high up.

With that in mind you must consider a bird feeder hung off a pulley or what is more convenient than hanging feeders off guttering or a bracket mounted 10 plus feet up on the side of the house or outbuilding.

To hang bird feeders among tree branches can see an uptake in use as its an area birds commonly frequent in your yard - as they do in the wild - its vital then to use a tree free of pests whilst relying on a bird feeder pole to put up deterrents.

Rely on bird feeder pole

How high should a bird feeder by hung would normally be set at only 4 feet off the ground when relying on any kind bird feeder pole style.

Brackets on bird feeder poles are usually up to 5 feet off the ground, but only after the bird feeders pole has been impaled in the ground; as common bird feeders made to be hung are at least a foot tall - so that would lead to feeders being hung only 4 feet high.

Manufacturer's build their bird feeding station or Shepherd's Hook this tall because they know a too tall pole would be inaccessible to you.

Whereas a shorter pole would be OK for birds but incompatible for you personally, as it forces you to awkwardly bend over or squat - which can be difficult to do for less able people.

Even when utilizing a bird feeder pole, its safe to say bird feeders can be too low still, yet you don't want feeders to be hung too high if you find them difficult to reach.

Utilize a bird feeder pole especially if you don't have pests - but when you do - only can a bird feeder pole be used to keep squirrels off bird feeders, and other nuisance backyard pests of course.

While a bird feeder can be hung under a squirrel baffle, similarly a hummingbird feeder will be hung beneath an ant moat in attempt to prevent ants descending on feeders.

Bird feeder poles can be isolated to setup these kinds of deterrents, whereas a tree branch would open up feeders to anything that moves.

Lower position if NO pests

Absolutely do rely on a standard bird feeder pole if you are like me, who is someone who doesn't experience nuisance pests who wish to access the bird food.

Odds are you are in a buildup suburban area or are nowhere near woodlands, which is where your common bird feeder pests come to you yard.

What you can do then - whilst still being mindful of neighbors cats - is to find the best way to hang bird feeders lower down to the ground. Still on a bird feeder pole at this stage, only you can place the bird feeder where you like.

Where to hang bird feeders without a tree isn't an issue at all with a bird feeding pole, but with no tree you can't re-position the bird feeders in its shade or use the tree as shelter when it rains.

Never mind though as you can place bird feeders in an area that remains open, clearly visible to birds but is always accessible.

Once more, bird feeders should be hung but there can be times where you'd want to invite birds to feed on garden furniture, the deck railing or on the ground.

Its safe to say bird feeders like hummingbird feeders can be hung low, but so can feeders be positioned in a way they are stabilized to assist less able bird feeder birds, if placed on a flat surface.

Higher point if pets are a nuisance

In keeping with providing ways to keep nuisance pests off bird feeders, there's no harm in finding a way to hang bird feeders higher up in your yard.

Remember height off the ground is going to be lost by simply hanging bird feeders at 12 inches tall - whereas the length of chain, rope or wire used to hang feeders can guarantee you lose inches just by hanging.

Worst still, to apply a squirrel baffle for all bird feeders or an ant moat above hummingbird feeders, yep... there goes several more inches.

All of which would cause your bird feeders to slowly descend lower to the ground to an eventual unsafe level.

Do forget about bird feeder poles if larger pests like bears or dogs are intent on damaging feeders. Instead, consider hanging bird feeders off the eaves or guttering, but never use an accessible to all tree branch placement.

To hang bird feeders higher up may also give you the opportunity to keep bird feeders under cover in wet weather or in case of avoiding direct sunshine.

More importantly, cats will also find access to bird feeders but would never access one if hung up to 10 feet or more in the yard.


Without a doubt the most common safe height off the ground for bird feeders to be hung, is 4 feet minimum.

Height will accommodate birds who normally forage in the wild in shrubs at this height, yet a 4 feet height would meet your chest; thus would be easier for you to clean and maintain bird feeders, whilst avoid bending over or squatting.

Hang bird feeders 4 feet high but only when taking into consideration the distance between the bottom of the bird feeder to the ground directly below.

Its easy to forget you lose up 12 to 18 inches when hanging a bird feeder; feeders are mostly a foot tall yet the chain or wire used to hang would lead to more lost height.

Bird feeders must only be hung at 4 feet minimum if you don't experience common backyard pests, who are intent on invading bird feeders.

Whereas if squirrels or raccoon's do come calling then you must hang bird feeders up to 8 feet minimum, so you can apply deterrents.

Deterrents of which are a squirrel baffle or ant moat which will lose you even more height, as these devices are hung above bird feeders.

Lower position or no hanging bird feeders at all can be utilized if no pests are present; thus feeders can then be stabilized on a platform to accommodate bird species unable to access feeders made to be hung.

Higher up must always be considered, as it can keep all nuisance pests, predators, pets and people well out of reach of feeding birds.

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