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White-breasted Nuthatch perched on sunflower seed-filled hopper feeder

How to stop bird seed spilling

Bird seeds can be spilled by birds and the weather that forces seeds out of feeders, or when birds flick seeds as they eat, but really any spillages can sort itself out.

How do you stop bird seeds spilling out of feeders, or when left on elevated surfaces in the yard, would be to first use as little seeds as you can. And with that, you'd want to center bird seeds which is kept away from the dish edge. In addition, any seed feeder must utilize a seed spill tray attachment.

Bird seeds will spill out of bird feeders or if added to surfaces around the yard, with nothing you really can do about it.

Like when you first add bird seeds into a bird feeder, so unless you keep the seed feeder upright as you replenish it at all times, seeds will simply fall out of the port wells.

But that isn't what the issue is, the problem revolves around wild birds natural feeding habit in forcing bird seeds to spill, which can waste a lot of seeds.

I must recommend you don't put too much bird seeds out in the meantime, as this will at least calm the situation down, with fewer seeds landing on the ground, under feeders - or if seeds are dropping to areas you currently cannot access in the yard.

Footage of sparrow spilling bird seeds out of panorama seed feeder - with a seed spill tray attached to the base - the seeds would be caught instead of dropping to the ground.

Making sure any seed bird feeder comes with a detachable seed spill tray can save up to 50% of spillages, where wild birds will continue to feed on spilled seeds that have landed in this essential seed tray.

Don't be too concerned about seeds that spill or are flicked out of feeders, as these same backyard birds will often pick up what they drop, or else Blackbirds or Cardinals for example, will get their first, and therefore you are worrying about nothing.

Any seeds spilling under suspended bird feeders in particular can be eaten up by ground feeding birds, thus wild birds will clean up the mess for you.

Center on wide open platform

When it comes to providing bird seed mixes to birds out in your yard, I can't emphasis the need to put all bird feed on top of what is an accessible to all birds, platform bird feeder, of which it can sit on a pole, be hung or mounted to a wall.

Why utilize a platform bird feeder when it comes to preventing bird seed waste, is that this wide open flat top base would allow enough space to stop bird feed rolling off over the sides. While at the same time it could catch bird seeds wild birds will occasionally flick off the bird feeder, all in an attempt to find their favorite seeds.

How to stop birds in particular when spilling bird seeds on a platform bird feeder, is to center a small heap of seeds in the middle of the platform.

Make it as little bird seeds as possible because the more you use, the more likely they will spread over to the edges.

The best platform bird feeders will feature some kind of lip and border which will help stop seeds spilling over the edges.

Add all seed mixes to the center of this wide open wooden platform, while maintaining a 5 to 6 inch space between the seed pile and all four sides of this feeder.

Utilize seed feeder spill trays only

Absolutely where you'd have to prevent wild birds who throw seeds out of feeders, is on your typical bird seed feeder that is made to be hung off a bracket or branch.

While some bird seeds will end up on the ground under suspended bird feeders, you can at least save most of it with use of a spill tray attached to certain seed feeders.

What is a seed spill tray I here you ask? Well, its basically a detachable plastic tray that is screwed on to the bottom of a clear tubular seed feeder, which will allow seeds to spill on to it, while also acting as a useful place to perch.

How to keep most of the bird seed mix in proximity of the seed bird feeder, is with use of this essential bird seed spill tray.

Bird seeds can naturally spill out of bird feeders without any interactions by birds at the port wells - which is the holes in the feeder where seeds are accessed - of which seeds that are destined to spill out, will all be saved if a wide spill tray is attached.

Unfortunately, wild birds do have a knack for spilling seeds and additional ingredients, in their effort to pick out their favorites.

No-hull seed mixes

In an effort to dramatically reduce how much bird seed is being spilled out of the bird feeders, you can think about only supplying what is no hull seed mixes.

What is often referred to as no mess bird seeds, is basically any kind of wild bird seeds that go in bird feeders, but are without their shell - also called hull or husk - which is the prime suspect for making a mess under bird feeders.

When a mess has to be cleaned up under suspended bird feeders, you can be sure its mostly made up of clear, crisp seed shells.

To provide wild birds no hull seed mixes, your backyard birds will spend more time eating their favorite seeds, rather than skimming throwing the hull they must remove every time, before they can swallow the hull-less seeds.

It is possible to buy seed mixes with no shells, or you can buy individual seed mixes like thistle and sunflower seeds, in an effort to attract a variety of wild birds to feeders - while hopefully preventing a wild birds need to make a mess whilst looking for their favorites.


Several techniques must be applied in an effort to keep bird seeds from spilling, with all bird seeds spilled out of bird feeders decomposing naturally, while at the time, any spillages will be eaten by birds who are in the area.

To stop seeds spilling out of suspended bird feeders, you will want to make sure any particular seed feeder in use has a seed spill tray attached.

Birds will spill seeds they are attempting to eat in this tray if they so happen to be leaning over it only; while any birds seen throwing seeds, may end up seeing it being caught in the spill tray, so that will be a welcome bonus.

You can put an end to wild birds throwing seeds when utilizing what is no mess bird seeds, which is bird seed mixes without their shell - and that means wild birds won't feel they need to throw seeds any longer.

And how to keep bird seeds spilling on any open top platform bird feeder or mounted tray for example, then its vital you use as little wild bird seeds as possible.

Said bird seeds will be put in a pile in the center of a platform or tray, which should stop birds spilling the seeds over the edges.

With that, the wind is less likely to push seeds over the sides if it isn't so close to the edges to begin with, even if the wind will be responsible for spilling a little bird seeds.

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