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House Sparrows perch on netted fat balls stored away in feeder

Where to hang Fat Balls for birds

Fat balls are always suspended with the most popular bird feed stored away in a bird feeder, of which fat balls must always be suspended along side top bird feeders in use.

Where to hang loose fat balls tied up on string can be in a tree or by utilizing a bird feeder pole. Fat balls are best served in a fat ball bird feeder because then they can be hung in any location with few restrictions. Maintain a safe distance off the ground with an option to avoid a freely-hung bird feeder.

Where you happen to currently hang a peanut or seed bird feeder right now, will so happen to be where you'll suspend fat balls for wild birds.

Birds will cling to loosely suspended fat balls hung off a branch or bracket, and will happily change their behavior when forced to feed out of an accessible fat ball bird feeder - hung up on a pole or tree branch.

Most of our backyard birds who eat suet like Nuthatches or Woodpeckers, will do so with little restrictions in place.

Blue Jays or Cardinals though will need assistance with fat balls hung up in a fat ball feeder, with it stabilized to keep the device stable for more awkward birds. You can do that by tying it down or leaning a fat ball bird feeder against a tree limb or trunk.

Where you hang fat balls loosely or within a bird feeder must be in a way they are easily found by bird backyard birds.

Sparrows feeding out of wreath style fat ball bird feeder, suspended along side steel cable which is used to assist these Sparrows as they feed.

Suspending fat balls in or out of a fat ball bird feeder in a current tree dwelling tree, or popular bird feeding station pole will guarantee fat balls are at least seen.

No guarantee fat balls will be eaten but they usually are in due course, as wild birds tend to prioritize available seeds or mealworms.

How you will attract birds to a suet ball feeder is in a well lit up area where the bird feeder pole is usually installed...

...or else, wild birds will come to fat balls hung among a tree that birds frequent daily.

To suspend a fat ball bird feeder that is the upside down kind, do so on a tree branch with plenty of space surrounding it. Yet you may have to reduce the number of bird feeders on a pole to make way for an upside down suet feeder.

Certainly no shortage of common backyard bird who will eat fat balls suspended on a tree or pole, such as: all Woodpeckers will, Nuthatches, with American Robins and even Orioles feeding on accessible suet balls.

Double up on tree/pole

With any kind of bird feeder pole accessible to more of us than any available tree in our yards, I will suggest utilizing a bird feeder pole where it will be installed in a well lit up area of the yard - with a wide and open clearing as to be found by wild birds.

Bird feeders pole - of the Shepherd's Hook or Bird feeding station pole type - will fit in well among most landscapes, and will always be accessible to common backyard birds.

Where you hang fat balls stored within a fat ball feeder on this bird feeder pole is up to you, with most bird feeding poles featuring up to 5 brackets; simply suspend up to two fat ball bird feeders opposite, rather than hanging them side by side.

Where else your backyard will provide an opportunity to hang fat balls stored away in a corresponding fat ball feeder - is of course on an accessible tree.

With a tree in your yard I will say this is the most popular area where fat balls can be stored, as this natural feeding area replicates that of many wild birds foraging habitat in the wild.

Tree's will benefit tree dwelling wild birds the most like all Woodpeckers and Nuthatches, yet remains a safe and secure place to suspend bird feeders for all backyard birds.

Suspend fat ball bird feeders off a low baring branch to stay within reach, all while consider hanging a fat ball feeder off a tree limb or additional mature twigs if you must which are accessible. Options can also include suspending fat balls off an old, unused birdhouse hanging off a tree limb or tied directly to the tree trunk.

Doubling up opportunities may be available to some of you, whereby one fat ball bird feeder can be hung on a pole, with the other fat ball feeder suspended in a tree.

Make potential 'squirrel baffle' space

Where you decide to hang your fat balls for wild birds to help themselves in your yard, you must still be sure to follow strict rules to keep birds safe.

Bear in mind fat balls will attract squirrels for sure, thus additional space surrounding a fat ball feeder will be required to make the suet feeder squirrel proof - like with a bottle shrouding the fat balls or feeder - plus room needed if utilizing a squirrel proof feeder.

Many of you won't have to worry about common bird feeder pests like squirrels, but those of you who wish to avoid pests like rats will need to create a squirrel proof space.

Where you hang fat balls in your yard will always result in finding a way to deter unwanted visitors.

While its acceptable to avoid pigeons or doves eating the fat balls on a suspended tray, with most of us preferring to - don't forget its possible wild birds like Starlings could quickly eat up the fat balls - thus some restrictions must be put in place.

Suspending fat ball feeders in a tree or off a bird feeder pole will always provide you away to keep pests or predators at bay.

Maintain distance off ground

Whether you decide to hang a fat ball bird feeder or two off an available tree branch or an always reliable bird feeder pole, distance off the ground must be maintained.

Safe distance off the ground will always be what the default setting on a bird feeder pole is, thus a 4-6 feet height off the ground is sure to keep fat balls and any bird feeder in use, out of the way of ground predators or pests.

Maintaining a safe distance off the ground when utilizing a tree to suspended open fat balls on a string, or if fat balls are suspended in a feeder - could become a little more difficulty.

Small trees will let you down thus a bird feeder pole will have to be used instead, despite a tree made available.

Indeed if you can only spare a small tree then its still possible to make fat balls safe.

Remember cats like to play up around accessible bird feeders at times, or any exposed bird feed, and therefore its important to remember predators are always going to be in the vicinity, thus cats must be avoided for us all.

Rest on side to avoid spinning feeder

In regard to utilizing a fat ball bird feeder to feed birds suet balls in a more organized manner, at least this metal device will provide you the opportunity to suspend fat balls that you couldn't if only loose fat balls were hung up.

In particularly, wild birds like Woodpeckers can feed out of a fat ball bird feeder with ease, yet larger Woodpeckers like Red-headed or the Pileated Woodpeckers are far too large for small fat ball feeder devices.

Its still possible to continue with your current small compact fat ball feeder if you instead stabilize it, rather than allow it to freely hang.

Large Woodpeckers like to prop their tails beneath a bird feeder thus to lean the fat ball feeder against a branch if suspended on a tree, will help; or to tie the fat ball feeder on the bird feeder pole, will assist all common backyard birds.

When suspending fat balls in or out of a bird feeder within a tree, do suspend the feeder or loose fat balls where they'd actually be pushed up against the trunk, or wedged among a grouping of branches.

When stabilizing a fat ball bird feeder - that will also prevent it from spinning - on a bird feeder pole, do so with steel wire to avoid corrosion early on.

To hang loose fat balls or fat balls contained within bird feeder, it will open up the suet to many more bird species than before.


Where you hang other types of bird feeders on a pole or tree branch, will also apply to fat balls loosely hung, or stored away in a suspending fat ball bird feeder.

Don't worry too much about suspended fat balls in the shade to avoid rotting early on in the heat - just use less fat balls at a time and replace them more regularly.

Two options will apply to most of us when thinking of a way to hang fat balls in the yard.

What location applies to most of us with a lot of success to follow, is suspending fat balls within a fat ball bird feeder, which is then hung off a bird feeder pole.

Bird feeder poles will preferably be situated in the middle of the yard, or at least situated in a well lit up area, in order for wild birds to find the fat balls hung up under the sun, rather than hidden away under the shade.

In addition to a bird feeder pole, to suspend loose fat balls or suet balls stored away in a fat ball bird feeder hung up on a tree branch, will benefit most suet-eating wild birds who will normally be found foraging in trees in the wild - thus will become second nature to them if the fat ball feeder remains visible and accessible.

Do use a bird feeder pole and a tree location at one time to hang fat balls for birds if you can, or use one or the other, with whatever location to hang fat balls applies to you.

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