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American Goldfinch perched on yellow seed tray of thistle bird feeder

Why are Finch feeders yellow

If you didn't know wild birds can be attracted to vibrant bird feeders just because of the featured color, whereas the color used can attract specific bird species.

Why do Finches, or what will mostly be American Goldfinches thistle seed-filled feeders, have yellow features is because it matches the color yellow in the daisy flowers, Goldfinches visit in the wild for its seeds. Goldfinches can also be attracted to the yellow plumage of their own kind.

Bird feeders designed to attract Goldfinches will feature a little yellow as oppose to a bird feeder made fully in a yellow body.

Why that is because American Goldfinches just need a hint of the color that attracts them to daisy flowers in the wild. Where there's yellow may also mean more Goldfinches the male or female Goldfinch are trying to seek out.

Yellow on thistle seed bird feeders is only a small part of finding ways to attract Finches, although it isn't necessary at all.

Vibrant colors can be inviting to all wild birds whereas one color can attract specific bird species, like Bluebirds coming to blue in color bird feeders.

Finches like any kind of bird feeder really providing its visible and accessible; more importantly it must also be filled with thistle seeds to attract Goldfinches.

Whereby House Finches like their sunflower seeds in whatever color bird feeder it happens to be stored in, when suspended off a pole or branch in the yard.

Rest assured why Finches aren't coming to your feeder isn't because it doesn't feature yellow; it could just be a too discreet bird feeder location, wrong bird feed or feeders, or perhaps you don't have Finches in the area to begin with.

Yellow imitates wild flowers

Why Finch bird feeders are mostly made in yellow is because the bright vibrant color can be an attractive feature on any feeder.

Vibrant colors do attract wild birds thus the yellow is a common choice to attract a series of Finches; including: American Goldfinches, Lesser Goldfinches and even the Evening Grosbeak - as its part of the Finch family.

Why most Finches can be attracted to bird feeders that are particularly dressed in yellow features, do so because its yellow flowers Finches can be found on in the wild, like those belonging to the daisy family.

Yellow is a familiar theme to Finches who will associate a vibrant yellow feeder being associated with their wild feed.

On that note, it is possible for wild birds to be attracted to the same color as their own plumage, of which its possible the yellow will be attractive for all American Goldfinches.

Regardless, yellow is still an exciting prospect for all wild bird species such as Sparrows, Siskins, Chickadees, Titmouse and Cardinals.

With yellow theme bird feeders - or should I say thistle seed bird feeders designed to imitate yellow flowers - its why you'd mostly find Finches occupying the solid clear plastic tube seed feeder or Finch sock hung off a branch or pole.

Goldfinches attracted to yellow

It is indeed American Goldfinches who will primarily be attracted to yellow featured bird feeders, of which its because Goldfinches can be attracted to male or females baring the vibrant yellow plumage.

And then there's the possibility of American Goldfinches coming to feed on the yellow featured on daisy flowers in the wild.

Bear in mind finch bird feeders don't need to be yellow to attract any Finches at all as a matter of fact, when a dull color theme or other vibrant colors can be just as inviting.

Why American Goldfinches can be attracted to yellow of all colors is because of its contrasting color when hung off a tree branch within green foliage - with the yellow highly visible to wild birds who briefly perch in your yard, or fly overhead.

By chance Goldfinches will come to feeders on a daily basis just by remembering its whereabouts, whereas any new American Goldfinches who have just arrived near to you backyard will find a finch feeder due to its bright color.

Birds can be attracted to the color of their own species like a Goldfinch being attracted to yellow, thus their finch thistle seed-filled feeder is commonly deployed with yellow features, on the lid or the seed tray attached to the base.

Distinguish bird feeder types

What is so great about utilizing a specialty yellow in color but made mostly for American Goldfinches' feeder, is it can help you distinguish bird feeder types.

What I mean by that is while you hang bird feeders intended for Sparrows or Cardinals, your yellow thistle seed-filled Finch feeder hung up on the branch will be an indicator you put up the correct feeder, in the right location.

Where you hang a Finch bird feeder will be on the bird feeder pole centered in the middle of the yard.

Whereas to hang a yellow Finch bird feeder within a flourishing tree can be a great way to know the thistle seed feeder isn't hung on the regular seed mix feeder location.

Distinguishing bird feeder types can benefit you in a way you can prioritize what particular seed bird feeder is used the most.

If thistle seeds are being swallowed up more often then you'll know the Finch thistle seed feeder will require more of your attention.

Who knows, you just may attract too many Finches to your feeder thus you could be forced to hold back on feeding them if it seeing too much action.

To summarize

Why its a commonplace to find bird feeders designed to attract Finches made in yellow - or will have yellow features at a minimum - is because its made specifically to attract American Goldfinches to what is a thistle seed-filled bird feeder.

Other Finches and bird species can be attracted to this bright, vibrant yellow bird feeder, though the yellow is a distinguishable feature that can attract Goldfinches in particular.

For one thing American Goldfinches, or the Finch family, will feed on the daisy flower family in the wild, of which the yellow is part of the flower Finches take seeds out of.

Bird feeders made in yellow are designed to imitate a wild daisy flower somewhat, even if the bird feeder is made with just a yellow featured lid or base.

On that, American Goldfinches being yellow themselves can actually be attracted to the yellow of potential mates, thus the yellow becomes a kind of beacon to Goldfinches in more ways than one.

Bear in mind a yellow Finch bird feeder can attract Goldfinches just because its filled with the thistle seeds they like to eat, whereas the yellow can just be a way for what would of be an unnoticed bird feeders, now standing out a while within green foliage.

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