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Hummingbird approaching feeder hung under porch

Why does my Hummingbird feeder leak

While it can be impossible to avoid a leaking Hummingbird feeder, overall this leakage should be kept to a minimum or it could be signs of a poorly made nectar feeder.

What would be the cause of your hummingbird feeder leaking, could be a faulty feeder if you just bought it, of which waste no time in replacing it. If the feeder has just begun to leak, then it could be your fault due to no maintenance. Keep the feeder full whilst avoid disturbing an air tight vacuum within the feeder.

It can be frustrating when operating a hummingbird feeder, of which all the homemade sugary-water wants to do is escape.

Well, you shouldn't have to put up with that from the get go, so waste no time in requesting a replacement or refund from the seller - because to try and fix the leak yourself, unsuccessfully I might add - would essentially void your product warranty.

If you have been operating your hummingbird feeder for sometime now however, and its only just begun to leak - then it could actually be your fault why its started to leak.

An unkempt hummingbird feeder will allow sugary-water to slowly damage the internal joints, of which the liquid will slowly drip rather than so obviously seen to leak.

Hummingbird feeders can drip nectar at the feeding ports which isn't a fault, yet will occur by hummingbirds simply sipping the nectar as they should.

I can say a glass hummingbird feeder are seen to leak more due to the corresponding steel its often developed with, which doesn't create such a tight seal with glass, than what plastic on plastic would.

Plastic hummingbird feeders can bend or warp in due cause however, which will compromise the vacuum made within the feeder.

What else can be an issue is if you continue to move the feeder yourself whilst its full of nectar; indeed, pests like squirrels can cause the liquid to spill if they are responsible for climbing over it, causing the feeder to be unbalanced.

In the meantime, keep the nectar full up to an inch off the top; keep the feeder steady as possible; all while it could be due to a fault of which there is no fix... other than replacing the current feeder with an improved upgrade.

Even the top rated hummingbird feeders can leak, whilst a disc shaped feeder as oppose to an inverted feeder - can be less prone to dripping or leaking because what is essentially the lid, is positioned nicely on top of which, no liquid can spill.

Cause of faulty feeder only

If you only just began using your hummingbird feeder for the first time, then I can say with 100% of certainty why your hummingbird feeder is leaking... could be because its faulty.

Faulty bird feeders of any kind are not uncommon, only its more prevalent on a bird feeder made to hold liquid; like sugary-water which is used to feed hummingbirds in their own nectar feeder.

What is this fault I am referring to and how can you prevent it then? Well, let me just say just because its faulty, it doesn't mean it can't be fixed. Similarly, a fault from the outset could be a defect at the point of manufacture.

That can also apply to popular brands like Perky-Pet, seen to but rarely selling faulty hummingbird feeders that leak.

Be it a plastic or glass hummingbird feeder, the body or areas where hummers sip nectar on, may have a kink in its construction.

Any lip or bump due to shipping or damage unnoticed at the point of purchase, will probably be the cause of why your hummingbird feeder is prone to leaking first time out.

Lack of maintenance

What you might not know about hummingbird feeders, is this kind of feeder is just a plain water, no maintenance hummingbird feeder - but one that must be rid of any build up of sugar residue - or dirt built up internally over the course of its use.

Sugar comes from the nectar contents whilst the dirt can be brought to the hummingbird feeder via hummingbirds themselves; plus other bird species or pests like squirrels who often invade a nectar-filled feeder.

In time with the sugar built up in particularly, the joints where the feeder parts clip or screw together will get grinded down. Result of that is a once proper seal which prevents liquid escaping, is now seen to drip slowly or leak intensively.

Bit of dripping is fine for now but is could be early signs of a malfunctioning feeder that will gradually get worse later on.

Solution to possibly fixing a leaking hummingbird feeder must begin with a proper clean of the feeder, which will begin by disassembling the whole hummingbird feeder - to allow you to clean up any build up of sugar or dirt on the internal or exterior assembly joints.

Regular maintenance like two or three times a week on a hummingbird feeder can prevent leakages down the road.

If your hummingbird feeder continues to leak it might not be a maintenance issue at all, but in fact being super popular hummingbird feeder can be the cause of leaks.

Feeder not kept full

If you didn't know already, one way an hummingbird feeder can leak is because the feeder isn't kept full with nectar - from the very beginning or during use - which can compromise the vacuum which prevents leaking.

How a hummingbird feeder works is a vacuum, which is essentially an internal air lock on top of the nectar bottle. If air is allowed to escape then the vacuum would no longer serve to keep the nectar sealed internally.

Its also possible to fill a hummingbird feeder too high, which will prevent creating an ineffective vacuum seal.

Regardless, a leak caused by a broken seal shouldn't cause leaks, thus you can refer back to what must be a faulty hummingbird feeder after all.

Where possible fill your hummingbird feeder up to an inch or so to the top, unless your hummingbird feeders instruction manual advises to the contrary.

As hummingbird feeder nectar is consumed over the days ahead, a slowly emptying nectar reservoir may possibly compromise what once was a tight seal. Unfortunately, nothing can be done at this point, other than replenishing the nectar more regularly.

Unstable hummingbird feeder

How a vacuum works on an inverted style, or upside down bottle hummingbird feeder, is that a vacuum holds in the water to prevent it falling through the feeding ports; without a vacuum the nectar will simply flow out as if nothing is holding it back.

Keep the hummingbird feeder filled to the top as best you can, but do avoid moving the hummingbird feeder until its due to be re-filled.

You can move it to anywhere in the yard in an effort to attract more hummingbirds of course, but its never a good idea to unhinge the feeder mid-way through its use - as any acute angle will break the vacuum.

So as you can imagine, the vacuum plays a vital role in preventing a leaking hummingbird feeder, of which nectar will flow out of the sipping ports with ease, if disturbed when in use.

What else can be a cause of leaking hummingbird feeders, is the wind causing the feeder to swing and sway which will often be unavoidable.

With that in mind, the best way to hang a hummingbird feeder would be to tie it with rope or wire to an adjacent branch or bracket to steady it in strong wind.

Best leak proof hummingbird feeders you can buy would be the disc shaped feeders in my opinion, but that isn't to say you will notice some leaking or the occasional drip once in a while in any type of hummingbird feeder.

No stopping leaks or drips

In reality there may not be a fault of any kind with your hummingbird feeder, when in fact the leaking could just be the cause of heavy use at the feeding ports by hummingbirds.

Birds other than hummers may be interested in sipping on sugary water, thus would lead to making more of a mess than the bird species it was intended for.

Drips will be noticed early on which can be due to use - as it spills a little nectar on the outside - whereby excessive leaking will be noticed instantly which you'd know to seal the feeder more tightly if that is the cause.

It could just be the hummingbird feeder is a cheap one which is poorly designed, thus leaking comes with the territory.

Hummingbird feeders aren't void of creating a mess of nectar on the exterior, and so to on the ground below it. It could be ignored for many although you will have to prevent leakages and even small drips as you go about avoiding what could result in attracting ants on the ground directly below the feeder.

Worse still is being unable to get rid of bees on the hummingbird feeder if the sweat nectar can continues to be accessible on the feeder exterior, due to leaks or drips.

When it comes to stopping leaks spilling onto the ground via the topside of the Hummingbird feeders, perhaps utilizing a Hummingbird feeder with an ant moat surrounding the outer body - which can trap spillages rather than allowing nectar to drop on to the ground.

Ant moats will fill with nectar which must be emptied regularly, but at least then there's no nectar at all on the ground; whereas now your ant moat will at least act as an ant deterrent, just in case they do arrive later in the season.


Why your hummingbird feeder is seen to leak may be the cause of a faulty hummingbird feeder, of which the only solution to avoiding it would be to invest in a brand new feeder.

Cause of a faulty feeder would be at the point of manufacturer, thus the producer doesn't often do due diligence so customers end up with a fault on the feeder. Its never to late to request a refund or replacement from the seller, so don't waste time fiddling with it.

Of course why your own hummingbird feeder is leaking could be entirely your fault, if you've had it for sometime with no leaking issues, until recently.

Why that is because you may not be keeping up with cleaning and maintenance on your feeder; thus the build up of sugar or dirt residue is allowed to get in-between the joints or gap that leads to the exterior.

When air gets into a feeder designed to create a vacuum, this vacuum would then be compromised which will lead to leakages. Dirt or sugar can open up a gap of which, nectar will be seen to slowly drip or pour.

No major leaks should happen although compromising the vacuum on any Oriole or Hummingbird feeder made to hold nectar, will see nectar spill at the feeding ports.

More important than anything else, keep the hummingbird feeder as stable as possible while in use, even if its means you must stabilize it with rope or wire to stop it rocking or swinging in the wind.

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